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Cancel card

This page allows the system user to cancel or block debit /credit cards.

Note Once cards are blocked they can later be unblocked under Savings/Credit and debit cards/Unblock card however caution should be exercised when option cancel is selected because the process is irreversible.


Choose: Click choose and the list of card applicants will show up. Select the card that you intend to cancel and details will populate.

Account Name: Once the card number is selected from the grid, the account name of the card applicant will appear in this field.

ATM card number: Once the card number is selected from the grid, the "ATM card number" of the card applicant will appear in this field.

Action: Select the appropriate action to take.The action to be taken is either "cancel" or "block". Where as blocking is reversible canceling of cards is irreversible and is followed by a warning message "The cancellation of a card is not reversible. Do you wish to continue".

Select yes if you are sure you want to cancel the card.

Reason: State here the reason for the choice of your "Action"

Click Ok to save the changes.


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